Fastest Event Yet

November 27, 2023 00:59:11
Fastest Event Yet
Crossed Wires
Fastest Event Yet

Nov 27 2023 | 00:59:11


Hosted By

James Bilsbrough Jae Bloom

Show Notes

In what’s starting to become a Crossed Wires tradition, James, Jae and Alex gather to discuss Apple’s latest event, which was scarily short at just over 30 mins long, making this possibly our shortest event coverage episode to date!

We unpack what the new m3 powered Macs mean in terms of performance, with Apple specifically targeting those who have yet to convert from Intel based Macs and early m1 adopters, why 8 GB of memory is probably enough for most average users. 

We’re also very honoured to join our friends at The Iconfactory in celebrating 20 years of xScope. Make sure you listen to the end of the episode for a wonderful offer.

Apologies this episode has been delayed in releasing, a few family issues have meant James has been rather distracted from his editing duties. We are working to get episodes out on a more frequent schedule, but we really do thank you all for your patience and continued support of the show.

What do you think to the new m3 lineup, is there anything you think Apple should have done differently? We’d love to hear from you, so please send us a note to, or why not come join the discussion on our Discord server.

If you liked this episode or any of our content, we’d greatly appreciate any little bit of support you can throw our way over at our Ko-Fi page.

Affiliate Promotion

Of course, if you’ve decided it’s time for a new Mac, you’ll want to make sure all your important data is kept backed up – especially when you’re on the go and maybe don’t have access to that huge external drive you use for Time Machine. 

Well, may we recommend Backblaze’s cloud backup, at just $9 / month for unlimited backups your new Mac will thank you. Use this link to sign up for your free 15 day trial and help support us here at Crossed Wires.

Episode Links

Chapter Times

  1. 00:00:04: Introductions
  2. 00:03:35: The Scary Fast Event
  3. 00:07:13: The M3 Family
  4. 00:17:21: iMac
  5. 00:25:38: M3 Performance
  6. 00:31:47: MacBook Pros 
  7. 00:48:16: Filmed on iPhone 
  8. 00:53:54: 20 Years of xScope
  9. 00:56:01: Wrapping Up


Intro and outro theme: Ace of Clubs by RoccoW

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